Friday, October 28, 2011

End of October Photos - Minus the Halloween Ones

I like what we've done in the last couple of weeks:
He's holding up a Lego Atlantis character.

Thrift store finds!

Dunk tank at Xander's school's Fall Fest.

Fishing pond at Fall Fest.

Fall Fest.

Erik and I and Xander made this treehouse from a Family Fun template.

He's trying to drink milk and water at the same time, and pretty pleased with his own idea.

Gourds I decorated with permanent markers, white paint, and foam shapes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Remember That Nerdy Star Wars Post?

So I tweeted an education article I read about the importance of gaining cultural literacy along with academic knowledge. The tweet was something like: "Does it matter if you don't know the Star Wars theme song? Yes!" and then the link to the article. Apparently that got me featured at The Star Wars Nerd Daily (via some automatic search and post tool called

I think it's fitting, though, given my latest post here. :)

And Jeremy and Leslie, I was thinking of our wedding, too. Hee hee.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Take a Look at my New Nerdy Outlet

We went to our local euro game store a few weekends ago. It was heavenly. There were products to please Nick (Winnie the Pooh figurines that were pretty expensive), Xander (Lego Prince of Persia and big ol' World of Warcraft figures), and Erik and me. Erik let me pick a game to buy! The pictures below will show you how nerdy we look playing my choice.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Outer Space

Xander and Nick and I, individually, at different times, have been noticing the moon. Sometimes in the early morning, sometimes at night, sometimes in the 7-8:00 am hour.

Xander and I pinpointed a planet last night. He said, "I wish I could see our planet." Then we talked about why that wasn't possible. Just by coincidence, I had borrowed a book from the library called Is There Life In Outer Space? which is a Level 1 Let's-Read-And-Find-Out Science book (by Franklyn M. Branley). That series is great. The writing style is just right for an elementary level. It was published in 2000 and still included Pluto as a planet. :) Xander was very interested.

I have a tendency to post here when we've done something wholesome or educational. To balance that out, I have to admit I have been letting the boys watch too much TV lately. I'm pretty happy with the types of programs I allow (PBS, Dora, Blue's Clues, Cars, The Wiggles), but it's just been too much time in a row with the TV on.

Today we have a great start. Xander is happily off at school. Nick and I have taken a walk, eaten blueberries, and had independent playtime, and next we will play "Freeze" to music for a while.

Monday, October 10, 2011

One Last Picture, Family Portrait-Style

Oh come on, this is cute.

We like this one, too. Pretend you can see Nick's face and Xander's eyes.

Even More Images for You

Yay for toddler toys and dinosaur pajamas.

Don't ask me what I am picking at - I can't remember. He looks cute, though!

Afternoon on the porch. See that big case on the table? Grandma brought me her old Singer sewing machine!!

The on on the left is Lucy. See the necklace? :)

Mother-daughter picture.

Grandmother-granddaughter picture.

Looks comfy.

Out of order: this is back in Wimberley. Grandma Lucy is spoiling our big boy with a piggyback ride.

Watching Cars intently.

They visited Xander at school for lunch!

More Pictures, Again

This is what Great-Grandma usually ends up playing with Xander.

A walk after dinner.

In the antiquing town of Wimberley, Texas.

They have a ravine (waterless at the time -we have since gotten rain).

General store ice cream: mmmmmmmm.

Back at home, water painting with Grandma Lucy.

This picture is a bit out of order; here we are in Georgetown at the euro toy store. They had the most wonderful books there, all the classics.

More Pictures from the Visit

At the playground on the YMCA/park grounds.


Mom gave me handmade earrings!

I think they are at Barton Pool here (Nick and I stayed home for more rest).

Barton Pool/Springs concessions.

See the two-headed person in the background? Just kidding. Cute picture of Great-Grandma and Xander.

Cute picture of Xander and Grandma Lucy.

They tired him out.

At home again.

Blowing bubbles.