Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Teddy Bear Lover and a Baller

It is so cute and so wonderful to see Xander being delighted with stuffed bears. At his age, and with all the academic things we've been doing, it's easy to forget what a little child he still is. I borrowed Brown Bear & Friends (an audiobook by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle, read by Gwyneth Paltrow) from the library. From the cover by itself, Xander has been looking forward to listening to it for a day. There's a picture of a brown bear, polar bear, panda bear, and baby bear on the cover. I had a lightbulb moment and went through his stuffed animals right before putting the CD on. We have a teddy bear, Winnie the Pooh bear, polar bear, and panda bear in his collection. He's sitting next to them on the couch listening to the stories. He said, "Mommy, I'm listening with the teddy bear." He just loves it. He can pick up the appropriate bear when it gets to the story about that bear.

Nick's rolling from front to back and from back to front! I know Xander didn't do that for a long time. Nick just wants to get around. Xander always loved jumping up and down and moving around a lot, but Nick seems to have purpose. Maybe he really will be a football player. Although as a protective mother, I'd really rather he didn't. Except that I'm such a believer in team sports. Ah well, just one of the thousand things I'm conflicted about. And not an issue right now. So let me give it a rest.

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