This is Xander's family dinner and birthday party with gold decorations for his golden birthday.
He had a magnificent place "card", the framed picture that Mom made him. He got to wear a gold crown to be a prince...or princess, as the mood struck him.
Golden treasure in the form of presents! Great-Grandma even gave him a little bottle of real gold flakes!

Thanks for the decorating and the pictures, Mom! We wouldn't have had anything like it if you weren't there.

Grandma Bonnie was part of the kids' party and the family party. So were Daddy and Nick, of course.

His Majesty is ready for the dinner he ordered, which was tri-colored noodles with spaghetti sauce. I added in meatloaf and applesauce after asking his opinion.

Things are definitely going his way today.

Opening some fantastic dinosaur books from Great-Grandma.

Loving his CarAnimal from the Coons, which he insists is "a tiger-robot, Mommy!"

Mommy and Daddy gave him Lincoln Logs but I think he will still want our help with these for a while.

Some of us are posing for the picture, but you can see that Nick is getting down to the business of dinner.

Xander is wearing the dragon pajamas from Grandma Bonnie and Erik is showing the real tackle box he gave to Xander along with the fishing pole. They recently got to try it out while we visited Bonnie with Leslie and the kids. It was a neat time, even though Leslie was recovering from surgery for half of it. We got to have all four kids to ourselves for a little bit!

Happy Golden Birthday, Baby Boy! Okay, sorry, Big Boy!
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