Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We are having a lull of a week. After some hustle and bustle getting Xander in and out of VPK programs, finishing up the Letter of the Week curriculum with Xander, and considering other big ventures, I find that we don't absolutely HAVE to do anything this week. It's very nice.

The big ventures we were considering:

1. Giving Xander a choice between participating in soccer, swim lessons, martial arts, skateboarding, or roller skating. He really emphatically wanted to skateboard. We thought the 4-year-old soccer league would be good for him. So Erik made an executive decision. Status: We pulled out Xander's old knee and elbow pads and bike helmet and told him we would be looking for a skateboard to buy for him. Then we signed him up for soccer, which starts in three weeks. It will most likely be one practice and one game per week, with very kid-friendly rules.

2. Watching our neighbors' baby when she is born, full-time. Status: We finally decided that although it would be possible, we don't need to do it, and therefore we are not going to put the additional strain on the family.

3. Getting Xander a pet sometime soon. We thought about turtles or pocket pets. I don't think we plan to make a decision soon. Status: There's no rush!

Xander now has these things on his plate:

1. He starts everyday VPK in one week.

2. He has his first dental appointment ever in two weeks. (Not happy about it, either.)

3. He starts soccer in three weeks.

Nick now has these things on his plate:

1. Mommy is slowly, slowly potty training him.

2. He better have molars or incisors brewing, or else I don't know what to make of his unhappiness and fatigue!

3. Learning more words. He is always trying to communicate with us now. The gibberish he spouts is real language to him. It's going to come pretty fast.

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