Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thank Goodness for Matchbox Cars

I woke up with my achiness magnified 20 times (or so). The pain in my neck and shoulders actually woke me from sleep. Also, Nick was crying hard a half hour before our usual wake-up time. He seems to be having trouble today too and poor babe does not realize Mommy's patience is unavailable today. I didn't know how I would get through today.

Then Erik took Xander to school and I took a bunch of ibuprofen and things have started to look up. He will be picking Xander up and then making his own lunch. Nick is quietly playing with Xander's little cars and I am so grateful for that. One day he played with these cars for a whole hour! Nick will be having early naptime today. ;)

This day is shaping up to be manageable after all, but I'm not so sure about dinner...

Surely Xander can cook dinner. He's getting so expert at everything else.

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