Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

I'm afraid our oldest child is not our "baby" anymore.

Remember this guy?

 The more Xander grows and learns, the more fun it is for us as parents, but as a mother I can't help but feel that baby receding further and further into the past. I don't want to forget that precious baby!

Okay, he was a handful. But precious.

Still, our big boy is so special. I am sure he is having lots of fun right now. I can't wait to hear about it. Up until now I have had too much to do to think about him being officially off to kindergarten, but writing this, I am getting choked up. Go ahead and laugh at me, Erik, I'm keeping it real.

Here are his not-entirely-perfect first day of school photos:

Yes, that is a tiny Kindergarten sign in one hand and a tiny Lego Atlantis brochure in his other hand. He wanted to pose with both.

Here is Nick looking cute on his older brother's first day of school:

Thanks for the outfit, Great-Grandma and Grandma Lucy! Xander will be wearing his matching one tomorrow.

Do you want to see the flowers Erik got me for our 7th anniversary?

I made him a movie gift basket including a horror movie (which I HATE watching!) because our first unofficial date was watching horror movies together. That was 11 years ago.

We plan to go out together for a nice dinner when Mom and Grandma are in town. Free babysitting. :)

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