Thursday, March 1, 2012

Camping Not a Go

By the way, camping did not work out. Both boys loved being outside in twilight and pointing out the moon and each star as it appeared. Then Xander wanted to go to bed in the tent so I brought both boys in there. Nick was very nervous about sleeping in the tent and sat up (would not lay down) until 10:30. We all continued to either wake up throughout the night or not sleep at all in the chill of 40-ish degrees Fahrenheit. I finally persuaded Erik to take us home at about 6 in the morning.

There were good things about it. I'm just saying there were about ten more hours of misery than hours of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no! I hope you can get a lot of fun camping experience this summer, when it's warmer! :)
