Thursday, May 24, 2012

Xander's Last Soccer Game of the Season

This time, I just took photos, thinking I had a better chance of getting some good ones if I took a bunch of photos rather than two or three videos. I can't show the photos here in the interest of the other kids' privacy.

Sandbox boy

This guy's having fun, but he needs his cap pushed back off his eyes!

Xander scored three goals this evening. They got participation trophies and lots of treats after the game. Xander was so excited about his trophy, and Nick had quite a lot of admiration for it. Once we got home, Xander told Nick that he won it because his team was the best and he was the best one on his team. I simply said, "Xander, you couldn't have done anything without a team."

Other non-optimal things happened as we attempted to join the team after the game for dinner. Instead of a quick pizza joint like I thought it was going to be, a reservation for 7:15 was made at a restaurant. Nick's bedtime is 6:45. It was about that time before we even started driving to the restaurant. At the restaurant complex, there was a playground, but some of the other children there really rubbed me the wrong way with their yelling, ignoring, plowing through people, blocking people, and selfishness. A feeling of dread crept over me.

Suffice it to say that we had to leave without eating with the team, which made Xander very upset and me sad for him. I finally got us out of there with one screaming and the other crying and yelling. In the car, both started screaming and in the end we were all in tears. We reconciled somehow, safely drove to the Wendy's drive-thru, and made it home in one piece to eat and wash hands, face, and teeth. Kids were in bed by 8:30. Nightmare.

But all in all, Xander has loved participating on the soccer team. It's been wonderful. The coach was great, laid-back and encouraging but a good teacher of the sport. I suppose next year we work more on Xander's surprisingly healthy ego.

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