I said, "That's because it's child-sized!"
Xander brightened. "Oh!"
I also gave him an opportunity to earn gummy bears by:
- estimating the number of gummy bears in the bag I gave him and writing down his estimate
- counting the gummy bears and writing down the actual number of bears
- sorting them by color onto separate sheets of paper with color headings
- picking up gummy bears, one by one, and tallying each one on the appropriate paper before eating it
When Nick got up from his nap, he was surprisingly chill for a few minutes. By that I mean he did not come right up to me and ask for me to "carry up" or "hold my hand," both of which are code for "let's get me something yummy to eat." After a few minutes had passed, he did ask me for something to eat. I asked if he would like to earn some gummy bears. Yes, he would. I asked if he could count them. Yes, he could. We went to the table to see how many he could count...zero. There were zero gummy bears on the table. Pretty sure that was Nick in those first few chill minutes. He said yes, it was him.
Later still, Nick and I did some drawing and stenciling with sidewalk chalk out front. He had the urge to go #2 (which he still does not successfully do in the potty), so I bribed him with chocolate chips to sit on the potty for a while.
Xander wanted to do more lessons to earn a few chocolate chips, so he finished coloring the oceans blue on his little world map. He colored different continents different colors. We read the first several pages of Maps & Globes by Jack Knowlton and Harriet Barton. It's a really good book for his level!
Erik came home, carrying an absolutely gorgeous bouquet of flowers for me. We both made dinner, interspersed with the activities I was helping Xander finish.
It was about to rain, so we didn't get to the pool today.
Erik made it clear to Xander that he would not get a reward for every single thing he did. I agreed and said that the rewards would probably decrease from daily (if he did his four lessons each day) to weekly. He suggested that the reward come on Fridays. I said that was a good idea.
Xander was supposed to be smiling...sorry, viewers |
Can you find the camouflage Xander? |
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