We had another visit from the Tooth Fairy last night. She has been leaving little tooth-shaped notes and a dollar (in various forms) for each tooth. Xander said he did not see her, although I noticed he was sleeping lightly last night (in hopes of catching her in action?)
Today has been another one of Xander's "best days ever." While I went to church and Sunday School, Erik and Xander completely cleaned Xander's floor. (I hadn't seen a clear floor in his room for many months, so I quickly mopped it.) The boys also went on a walk with their dad. It is one of the most gorgeous days imaginable here. Warm, sunny, but not too warm. Leaves are turning. This weather is something to give thanks for.
When I got home, they were on their way out to Target to get Xander a new Lego Star Wars set as a reward for the hard work on his room. We decided to make it a family outing to Burger King for second breakfast and then Target. I got to use coupons to save $6 at BK, so I was very happy. Xander got his new Star Wars set and Nick got a book called
So Many Monsters from the dollar section. I got a Thank You stamp from the same section.
Earlier in the week, we had another, smaller milestone. Xander earned his first Pizza Hut Book It! certificate, so we went to Pizza Hut for lunch to redeem his free personal pan pizza.
Nick is singing at the table, as usual |
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