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This was the greatest thing I have ever seen. Erik spontaneously got up to dance a Muppet dance and both boys immediately followed suit. |
Thursdays has traditionally been set aside for Erik's and my TV date. We let the kids play with a big ol' board game like War of the Ring in our room while we watch in the living room. Or they get to watch a DVD on our portable player. Erik and I have always watched those Thursday night NBC comedies together, but this season we had adopted Last Resort as our latest date show. (That was after trying Revolution and getting bored.) So, they canceled Last Resort. It was a decent show, I thought. Much better than what they are replacing it with {she types self-righteously without having seen the new show}.
Friday is sometimes Board Game Night for me and Erik. I'd like to get the kids more involved with this. Xander can play a few of our board games now. He is proficient at, in rough order from juvenile to more advanced, Candy Land, Max, Uno, Zingo, Frog Rush, Monopoly Jr., Tales of the Arabian Nights, Carcassonne, Settlers of Catan, and Lords of Waterdeep. He needs guidance with the last four, but he is able to be a player in those games. Nick can now play Candy Land.
But mostly Board Game Night is a time when Erik and I can play an involved, two- to three-hour euro style board game together.
That's pretty much our schedule right now. Weekends some kind of ball game is usually playing on the TV. I used to have a knitting night each week, and Erik used to have his own night to do whatever outside of the house. Currently, we stay home.
The boys and I watched The Lorax tonight and enjoyed it. My husband was watching Revolution but I had trouble getting into that one which is funny because I usually like anything that J.J. Abrams has a hand in producing. Sorry, Jenga, and Trouble were always good ones for our mixed ages. We like to have Chess tournaments now (I sadly have to have the directions beside me still). I love the idea of theme nights!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recs, Jean - we actually don't have any of those games! :) My husband and Xander like chess. If we start having chess tournaments I won't be extremely happy for myself, but it will be good for them. :)