Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Day

We've been seeing plenty of animals lately. On a nearby trail, we spotted a rat snake and a great blue heron among other things. On Sunday, I noticed there were bluejays nearby while I was running. When I got back, we took the whole family out for a "bluejay walk" and did catch a glimpse of one. Plus squirrels, grackles, swallows, and roly polies. We took a saunter down to Goodwill to see if they had any genuine cowboy or cowgirl boots there and then went home.

Yesterday, at our friend's house, we saw a baby possum! It was the cutest big-little thing. It was inching along the back of their house but when we tried to gather the kids to look at it from afar, it stopped and just stared at us. Hope it found its mommy eventually.

Xander was so excited. 

He and I are studying six particular birds this term. We chose turkey vultures, common grackles, Northern cardinals, bluejays, mourning doves, and mockingbirds. These are pretty easy to study right from our back yard.

The days have been gorgeous. Grass is green. Wildflowers are growing: Indian blankets (firewheels), prairie fleabane, prairie verbena, bluebonnets, Indian paintbrushes, pink evening primroses, rain lilies, and more. I hear it is supposed to be a short wildflower season this year, though. Soon our whole area will be brown. I am drinking it in at the moment. It's a great time to be running nearly every day. Breezes are often cool and it's been cloudy or rainy more than usual.

I am also getting some baking in while it's cool.

This morning the kids slept in a tiny bit. Nick was the first one up, after me, at 7:30. So I got to get ready in a leisurely way and run for about an hour. Beautiful way to start the day.

Erik has been in and out, working at work and from home today. The kids and I had a great chore time today. I say great because Xander completed all his chores without stopping, Nick finished his Morning Cards all by himself, and I even got some extra chores done myself. The common area floor is swept, the dining room chairs and table are cleaned, the dining room is dusted and mopped, and I even polished a few pieces of silver.

Later, Erik fixed one of our floor thresholds or moldings. I'm not sure what to call it. It had come up.

Xander and I did school for a while and then he went off to read funny poems from Where the Sidewalk Ends to himself and other people. The kids went outside to play.

I am cooking with a vengeance: a loaf of white bread, a tray of ginger cookies, hard boiled eggs that will be used for egg salad sandwiches, sandwich buns, and then chicken fried steaks and mashed potatoes for dinner. (I found a new website for recipes and it's fantastic: The Iowa Housewife. In the last few days, we've tried the French Raspberry Pie, Farfalle With Gorgonzola Spinach and Walnuts, and Carrot and Pineapple Salad. All winners.)

Now Erik and Xander are playing Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. I will be joining in later.


  1. Wow, I wish I had some of that cooking motivation! I've been in a cooking rut lately. I'm going to have to go check out that website.

  2. I really like so many of the recipes there! But I still have issues baking sandwich loaf bread. :( Mine is too crumbly and one edge is always messed up enough to make slicing difficult.
