Friday, September 20, 2013

Follow Through Friday: Organizing (Again)

Jean at So Not Organized hosts a Follow Through Friday link-up every week and sometimes I get organized enough to join in.

What are my top five things to do today? I say five because I don't want to overwhelm myself with all the things I am secretly hoping I will get done.

1. Put my photos in year-order in the new photo boxes I ordered and get them up on our closet shelf.

I don't have many print-out photos, but I do need to do something with the ones I have other than dump them in various plastic bags and boxes and put those on my closet floor. After doing this task, I will consider my photo work done. We upload our photos to iPhoto and I don't even organize them there. They are in date order, or at least upload order, already. I don't picture myself actually putting together albums or sweet little photo books for each year of our lives. Waste of my time and money, I think. It wouldn't be a waste of other people's time and money if they really loved doing it or had people who really wanted to have those books around, but I think we have enough albums to look at for now. If I ever change my mind, I can go back to our photo stream and make books.

2. Get our extra books up on our closet bookshelves.

By extra books, I mean the mostly non-fiction tomes that don't fit in our main bookcases anymore now that I've organized them. The method of arranging our books before was basically size. The books were put in groups according to where they could fit. That was fine, but then I came along and ACTUALLY DUSTED and flipped through each of our books and put them into categories.

We now have our fiction bookcase with a shelf of Dickens; a shelf of my favorites series, like The Chronicles of Narnia, Little House on the Prairie, Madeleine L'Engle's books, and the Anne of Green Gables books; a shelf of other small-sized fiction including science fiction and more classics, and a shelf of our larger fiction books, like the Game of Thrones series, a couple of Sherlock Holmes books, and the Harry Potter stuff. In our next bookcase, we have a shelf for spiritual/religious/worldview books from both my and my husband's perspectives, then a shelf of special magazines, a huge gorgeous unabridged dictionary, and two coffee table books, Italy Today: The Beautiful Cookbook and The Living Wild. Underneath are as many of our non-fiction books as I could fit (think parenting, woodworking, and writing) and underneath them are photo albums. Yes, we have plenty.

3. Volunteer at the Friends of the Library Book Sale set-up for a couple of hours.

This actually already happened this morning, but I list it because it was the major thing on my calendar today. My sweet neighbor watched the kids while I went to volunteer. We are so lucky to be able to swap services back and forth with people whom we trust who are right next door!

4. List more books for sale.

We sell used books, and I have to catch up on inventorying and listing.

5. Have the kids and me do some regular daily chores, including picking up all the toys that are out.

Self-explanatory? It is hard to get momentum going on these things sometimes, but I do want that to happen today.


  1. How did you do on your list? I'm sorry I didn't pop over and offer any encouragement on Friday, it really was one of those weeks. Reading about your photo project up there is giving me an idea for something that needs to be on my list this Friday. You do not want to see my digital photo file on the computer that has stuff going back to um, 2009 sitting on it. I hope you'll join in again this week (I'll try to get the post up at a decent time this go-round AND come offer some encouragement!).

  2. I always seem to be really busy on Fridays and Saturdays in terms of being out of the house, so my participation is hit and miss. :) I did accomplish everything that day except #1, I think. And #1 completely slipped my mind, so I'm glad I went back and read it!!
