Thursday, December 30, 2010

They Be-leeb In Science

"I did this rocket before in this book with Dad, when I was calling him Daddy," said Xander today. He was cutting pictures out of his new cutting book.

His comment showed me that he remembered consciously changing over to calling us Mom and Dad instead of Mommy and Daddy. It happened a couple of months ago. I was curious why he decided to do it at that time, and I had a suspicion.

"Why did you decide to start calling us Mom and Dad?" I asked him.

"Because it was on TV," he said.

Yep. That was my suspicion, though he couldn't remember who on TV called their parents Mom and Dad.

Right now Erik is teaching Xander some science using his new science experiment kit. Xander just (VERY excitedly) learned about solids, liquids, and gases. Erik gave him examples of solids and then asked him for examples. I had to laugh from the other room when Xander was still going a couple of minutes later. ("And toys! And wood! And chairs! And video games! And story videos!") Then he said water and mud for liquids and the sky for gases. I'm impressed. I don't think he knew much about solids, liquids, and gases before tonight.

Meanwhile Nick was saying "Ga-go" when I handed him the Diego bath toy, and conducting his own bathtime science experiments with various stacking cups.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed too. How fun for him to have such smart and creative parents. So many times I think that sort of information is too beyond a four year old, but I guess you'll never know if you don't at least offer it.
