Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Watching DVDs

This is what Nick is saying while watching a Blue's Clues episode:

"Oh, teddy bear."
"Uh-oh, my Winnie teddy bear."
"Cookies in stars! Nummy!"
"Hmmmm, I like...."
"Blue sky."
"Pancakes, nummy."
Nick woke up a half hour early today and then we went to volunteer in Xander's class. Looks like he needs an early nap, doesn't it? He's getting a bit too cozy watching his show.

He looooooooooves the classic Winnie the Pooh DVD we borrowed from the library which we had to return. Guess we will be borrowing it again! (The DVD wasn't very available when I looked for places to buy it.)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Photos

Hostess gift - spicy!!

Pre-Thanksgiving hike outfits

He just needs a little bit more food to tide him over for this photo.

At Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma's

Sorry it's blurry - Great-Grandma Janet's grandkids showing Xander Angry Birds

On the way home

The next day, since we weren't shopping, we decorated

Erik picked up egg nog...and rum

He is singing a holiday song

Drinking egg nog carefully

Our previous Christmas cards made into a banner


How Nick Is Like Winnie the Pooh

How Nick Is Like Winnie the Pooh:
  • He's pretty snuggly.
  • He is quick to believe that any situation is all about him.
  • He is often pleased with himself.
  • He can be hungry at any given moment.
  • He loves honey.
  • He likes to sing songs to himself.
  • He is determined.
  • He loves Piglet. And Eeyore. And Tigger. But most of all Winnie the Pooh.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Beans, Beans, Good for Your Heart

Xander knows I don't want to hear any more of his fart jokes. The sweetie-pie just asked me, "Want to hear my fruit song?"

I said yes.

He said, "Fruit, fruit, good for your heart..."

Oh great, I thought.

"The more you eat, the more you grow!"

He changed it just for me. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Another ditty from him: "Beans, beans, they help your heart, the more you eat, the more you play Legos!"

However, now he is singing, "Everybody toot now!" complete with fart noises.

He has his limits.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas Lights Walkway

We went to a town called Marble Falls last night to see their free Christmas Lights Walkway. It was a 50-minute drive for a pretty small walkway and very confusing parking, but fun was had. Xander said he LOVED it. Please don't mind the scratches on Nick's face. He is teething and also running into lots of things in the last several days.

 There was a lot of running!

This is our Thanksgiving banner (it says Give Thanks and was colored by me and the kids) and our Thankful Tree. Every night around dinner, we write what we are each thankful for on a leaf and hang it on the "tree."

Some of the things family members have been thankful for are:
  • America
  • our lives
  • our physical health
  • Kristy's cooking
  • the Wiggles
  • our veterans
  • the nice weather


Friday, November 18, 2011

Working With a Wheelbarrow

The dirt goes on his head, you see.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Quirks and Foibles

I just remembered yesterday a habit that Xander had as a baby and toddler. When nursing or drinking from a sippy cup, he would stare straight into my eyes, even if I was across the table from him. It was kind of surprising every time but very endearing.

Nick has never done that, although he will put his little forehead up to mine for affection sometimes. He is much more cuddly than Xander was and loves and cuddles his Pooh bear in a way Xander didn't do with stuffed animals. But watch out if Nick doesn't want to be held at the moment, or hugged or kissed one more time! He has very strong opinions on what he likes and doesn't like. There are even some great children's books I've borrowed from the library that he takes an immediate dislike to. He will protest loudly every time I pick them up, let alone read them. Some of the books he has become obsessed with are Cars: Old, New, Red, Blue; Ready for School (with Sesame Street characters); The Poky Little Puppy; I Stink!; and Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?

Xander has gotten into a recent habit of "hating" what Nick wants to watch or listen to. "I hate that, and I don't want to hear it at all!" On the other hand, he has always agreed right away when I ask him to read a book to his younger brother.

Speaking of Xander's quirks and foibles, he has been able to sneak out of the house with unapproved shirts lately. I guess I don't notice right as he goes out the door with Erik. I told him he had to wear a fresh shirt instead of the long-sleeved black one that had food swipes all over it; when I picked him up from school I realized he had it on under his approved shirt. The next day? He STILL had it on underneath a different approved shirt! Today? He wore the sweatpants and sweatshirt I put out for him but omitted the t-shirt! He was BARE-skinned under that sweatshirt! I told Erik I want our children to look nice when they go to school so the school staff knows we cherish him - but this is getting to be a hard job! He has been to school with teeth unbrushed, hair uncombed, various shirts or non-shirts that are not the ones I'd like, shorts in cold weather, and backwards pants. I am afraid these all happened THIS week. I guess I need an extra cup of coffee in the morning before he goes out the door.

I can't pretend like Xander is just a slob, though. He is learning to clean up after himself very nicely in the bathroom, and he knows how to pack his own school lunch. It is wonderful.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Packing His Lunch

Yesterday and today, Xander basically packed his own school lunch. He had chosen to help me pack his lunch as his extra after-dinner chore and this weekend it just took off.

On Sunday night, the only things I had to do were to make a suggestion of adding a vegetable and to make sure the lunchbox was closed tight. That's it! Lunch packed!

Tonight, I made a sandwich for him. Lunch packed!

I'm very impressed with how helpful he is as a five-year-old. He is definitely learning to do more things on his own. He is also getting a little more upset when we do try to help him.