Monday, January 23, 2012

January Photos

Here is what we've been up to so far this year:
Coloring with crayons and painting with cotton balls

Family movie time: Turtle The Incredible Journey

Xander loved this breakfast so much he wanted me to take a picture of it
Traffic jam

A hawk on our back fence, with prey!

Another breakfast made by me and Xander that he wanted memorialized in photo
And above is a little video of Nick's reaction to the keyboard I just picked up from Goodwill.


  1. Super cute! Looks like your family's been having lots of fun lately! What a great Goodwill find, too! Nick looks like he's very serious about his music. And, yum-o, that waffle did look good! How are you feeling?

  2. Thanks! It was a great Goodwill find - I am excited that both boys are excited about it. Serious does kind of describe Nick. I'm feeling much better; the wet sock treatment did seem to keep my nasal passages open the night I tried it!
