Tuesday, January 10, 2012

They Know Everything

Sometimes Nick says things I have no idea he ever heard in his lifetime. Just now, he put on Xander's knight helmet and ran away, singing his version of "na-na na-na boo-boo": "Onny a boo boo, I gun catch you!"

Two mispronunciations of his that I love:
  1. mabana for banana
  2. mamato for tomato
Xander has his own misconceptions. Two of his current ones have to do with the Disney company. Good for them. They and Lego have obviously worked out how to rule the world.

For Xander, any character is a Disney character, as in, "Wags the Dog isn't real, so he's a Disney character."

Also, Disney is his idea of a compound word, with an emphatic head nod on each syllable to show that they are two words put together: "Dis (nod) knee (nod)! See? It's a compound word!"

I usually limit myself to one or two disagreements or corrections, and then let him believe what he wants, to save time.


  1. Just caught up on your blog from Christmas! :) Glad you all had a good one, and that your boys are doing well! Such cute things they say! My fave around our house right now is, "Gee-da! I'm get you!" (Gorilla! I'm going to get you!)- Daddy plays this with her every night. So fun. Happy New Year!

  2. That is so adorable, Kim! I can hear it in my head. Her sayings are probably about on a level with Nick's, or will be soon - she is a precocious one! I'm going to your blog now. :)
