Friday, October 29, 2010

Heaven and the "Debbil"

I see a pattern in my posting. I will go for a week or so without posting anything, and then I write four posts in one day. Here's another one. ;)

I am on our back porch, a cool fall breeze blowing, listening to my music (not the Raffi and Cathy Fink and Cedarmont Kids I listen to every day in the car with the boys), checking my email. Heaven! The main reason it's heaven? Xander and Nick are both running around in the backyard having a great time, making happy sounds.

Xander is wearing the devil horns I had hoped Nick would tolerate and holding a red plastic golf club. Apparently, "the debbil stole everyone's cars!" He is holding all of his Matchbox cars in the upper level of the wooden playset.

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