Monday, April 2, 2012

Three-Year-Old Fears?

Very, very suddenly, Nick is afraid of playgrounds. Over the last month, he was slowly getting more confident climbing up and going down slides alone. After Mom's visit, he was running around with the big kids, climbing wherever he wanted to go.

One day he was confident, the next day he had terrible, shaking fear. He truly freaked out. This has lasted for two or three days so far. I can't figure out what is going on. Is it three-year-old fears already? Probably not, since his birthday is in two months and Xander didn't get his age three fears right away. I am trying to think if something happened around Wednesday or Thursday, but I can't think of anything other than him playing as usual on the Y playground while Xander had soccer practice.

He is very clingy and cry-ey today. What could it be?

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