Monday, December 7, 2009

Stay Little

Nick has metamorphosed into a baby kid. He's lost all traces of infanthood. He is strong, alert, and friendly, eats solid food, sits up to nurse and tries to take control of the situation, pulls hair, grabs things on purpose, flirts, gets up on hands and knees to rock, creeps, pushes his tongue into the place where he will soon have teeth, blows raspberries, talks to us, recognizes his family, sometimes looks at Xander when I ask where Xander is, gets out of all his chairs whether buckled in or not, snickers, plays by himself for long periods of time, soothes himself back to sleep, and, of course, clamps down when nursing just because he can. Despite everyone saying he looks just like his daddy and brother, I still think he's really cute. Just joking, Erik and Xander.

I know Xander has grown up almost as much in this time period. When he went back to preschool this morning, the director confirmed it. She said he had shot up like a weed. He speaks more like an adult these days and, to his grandmothers' delight (and relief?), he can be understood over the phone. There are plenty of things to work on. He had an accident at preschool, after trying to pull down his pants in the middle of the room to get ready to go to the bathroom. Oops. I guess we have to work harder at teaching him to keep his clothes on until he gets to the bathroom. Silly Xander. It's like the niceties of these things are beneath him. If he's so potty trained, why are Erik and I scrubbing the bathroom every day? Xander has many big-deal strengths and I am so proud of him, but solo hygiene is not one of them. Now that I'm done complaining about that, how do I keep them this young forever? ;)

I feel joy thinking about all the milestones they will reach in their lives. I can't wait to see how they handle life as they grow older. But it's pretty sweet having two very little ones at home.

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