Monday, December 13, 2010

Fabulously Wealthy

Got a lot done this morning (laundry, quiet time, got dressed, planned the day, made breakfast, drank coffee, exercised) but my patience has been tried today. Four-year-olds ask endless questions to which only they know the correct answer. It must be the first teenage period - parents are never quite right. If we accidentally bump Xander, we have hurt him and it is an amazingly evil thing to do. If he jumps on our back while we are trying to write something and balance our coffee, he is hurt that we don't quite appreciate his enthusiasm.

And he's right. My responses to him are my responsibility. Deep breath. New cup of coffee. If I could have my most important wish come true, it would be to appreciate every interaction with him, Nick, Erik, and others.

It is not a bad thing that he is active, curious, engaged, smart, and loving.

Just please, please, please could someone else stay here for a day and field all the non-questions?

Nick has become more and more pleasant as he has learned to communicate better and sleep longer at a time. It is more and more a joy to see the boys play together. Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.

I am fabulously wealthy in love.

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