Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More Conversations

Xander: "My unicorn can speak, Mom."

Me: "Oh, wow!"

Xander: "Well, she's afraid of you."

Ooooooohhhhhhhh, that must be why I've never heard her speak.

Nick: "Beh."

Me: "Yes, bread!"

Nick: "Ick."

Me: "Milk!"

Nick: "Dow, dow, dow, dow, dow."

Me: "Do you want to get down or are you all done eating?"

He was all done because he heard Xander playing in his room. Too exciting to eat.

On our way home from school, Xander asked me how many dreams I had and what they were. I told him about one of mine from last night.

He told me, "I had four dreams.  The first one was a car coming to get me. The second was....Then I was on the place where the hurricane was. Then I dreamed there were goblins in our house. Then I dreamed there was a skeleton in my room tickling me."

I asked, "Was that scary or funny?"

He said, "Scary! Those were all my scary dreams."

I said, "Those sound like very scary dreams."

The funny thing is, he has not cried out in the middle of the night or said anything about the dreams. He told me about them matter-of-factly.

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