Monday, March 28, 2011

Menu Plan Vacation

Erik will have almost finished his first day of the trial week in Austin. In another hour we'll call him. Xander asked if he could call Dad on the phone.

I had this whole menu plan for the week that was frugal but yummy with a variety of different meals. Then I woke up and remembered Erik won't be here so we won't need as much food. I'll probably only make half the meals I planned to and we might still have leftovers. Tonight we had leftover Mexican Chicken Frittata, leftover ham slices, crescent rolls, and walnuts. Yay, protein! I gave both boys about four or five ounces of ham and they still wanted more.

I tend to treat them (and me) when Erik's gone, as consolation. The above dinner is one example. Plus we're watching the end of Prince Caspian as we eat. The treats started earlier when Xander and I decided to make whole-wheat ginger snaps and lemonade from scratch. I also made air-popped popcorn for the movie. Yummy! I will try hard to save some cookies for Erik, but I may just have to make them again when he gets back. The lemonade was a recipe from and it was amazing!

Hopefully it will be good for our health, too. I've been using my mom's sickness concoction on myself and I really think it helped. The ingredients are: hot water, lots of lemon juice, smashed garlic, and lots of honey. It wasn't pleasant the first time around but when I learned to strain it it was fine!

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