Friday, March 4, 2011

Tough Day In Pre-Kindergarten

Is there anything more wonderful than hearing your toddler say, "'Ank oo" after you help him up from a fall? (Meaning Thank You, of course.)

Maybe hearing him say, "I love you," or "You're beautiful." :)

No, Nick didn't say either of the things in the second paragraph, but Xander has in the last month or so.

Nick slipped on the floor while playing Shape Sorting blocks and seemed to be having trouble getting up. I gave him a hand and after he was standing up, he said, "Ank oo," clearly and calmly. Very nice. Especially when I anticipate more whines, yells, and cries as the day goes on.

Tonight we are having Shannon Palmer and her daughters and possibly her husband over for a Studio Ghibli movie and ice cream sundaes. It's basically a playdate for Xander and her daughters, but I think we adults will enjoy it too.

Erik has been lining up phone interviews and talks. He may be meeting with someone in a Jacksonville office this very afternoon.

We had BJ over again last night while his mom went to volunteer with Hospice and it went just fine. He doesn't respond to Xander as much as Xander would like, but these kinds of social bumps don't get Xander down for long. He just keeps trying.

Yesterday he told me, tearily, that his friend Russell said that they always play together outside and at the zoo but he was not going to play with him anymore or be his friend anymore. It is hard to say how much that hurt Xander. He had a fit when we got home over not being able to open his own car door and biting his finger while eating his sandwich. I tried to sympathize with him and just sit with him and talk about his feelings and what had happened. But when I mentioned Russell for the third time, he said, "I am crying because my finger won't stop hurting!!!!!!!" He got mad that I was trying to cheer him up and said he would do that himself.

I'm not sure how much of that was simple overstimulation and how much was hurt feelings. I noticed when I went to pick him up that 80% of the class was either being mean to each other ("You're not coming to my party anymore" - "Well, I'm not coming to your party anyway, my mom said so!") or throwing their heads down, exhausted. Lots of kids, including Xander, had their clothespins on "yellow" and a couple had theirs on "red." It seemed to be one of those days.

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