Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More Things I Love

I'm going to copy an idea from an online friend, Valerie, and write a few things that I love about the ages that Xander and Nick are currently.

The cuteness of the becoming-a-toddler face - square little teeth and curly hairs and grins and excitement...
His ability to learn so many new things every day, from new words to imitation of laughing to rolling cars to throwing balls to listening to a book.
The way he walks so confidently but with a very wide stance and choppy steps.
The way he shows his love for Xander and Daddy when they come in the room.

How I can explain behaviors, concepts, and feelings to him and we can have a conversation about them.
The way he listens to long and somewhat challenging chapter books.
His love of cuddling (he didn't have it as a baby).
The way he picks up every single thing I teach him almost immediately.

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