Friday, September 10, 2010

Expressing Ourselves

Every once in a while Xander mentions one of his favorites by saying that it is his "best." Today he got to go back to school for the first time all week. On the ride home, he told me, "Mommy, everything is my best today...all day long!"

Nick, in the bath, just asked me for "Ma ba-ba," (more bubbles) and did the sign for please. He's talking so much to us now. His yeses and noes can pretty much be depended on. He is much easier to communicate with than Xander was at this age - I attribute it mostly to having an older sibling and being taught baby signs. Not only does he hear Xander speak and see Xander do signs, too, he also hears me speak more than I spoke to Xander as a baby. I remember being kind of quiet around the house with Xander.

Nick looks up at me with this wide-open mouth of delight and I recognize it from Xander. But I also recognize it from a baby picture of me when I was about 14 months old or so. Strange to see that it is my old expression, too.

When Erik got home today, after rest time and naptime, he helped Xander put together a nice little Lincoln Logs western town. It looked so pretty and neat and perfect. From the bathroom, I hear a large crash and a delighted squeal. This is what happens to Erik's hard work when he's playing with Xander.

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