Monday, January 31, 2011


Today Nick and I looked at Dr. Seuss's ABC Book (we have read this many times before). He pointed to the M and I said, "The letter M!" He said, "Mmmmmmmmm." My son knows letter sounds!! Now before you go testing him on it, he only knows a few, sporadically. ;)

But I had him on my lap a moment ago while I read a blog post. On the side were the icons for RSS feed, Facebook, and Twitter. Nick pointed and said, "Eff, eff." I think he can identify the letter "F"!

Xander has taken to a couple of's online games, particularly "Sink or Float" and "Dig for Dinosaurs." He learns really well from TV shows and computer games now that he is older. We are on a bit of a Sesame Street kick here because Nick loves Elmo and some of the other characters. Xander was at home most of last week with our car in the shop.

Good news! Our car is back home. After Erik picked it up on Friday, took it in for their work to be readjusted on Saturday, and brought it back that day, our car runs very well. I am pleased to be driving a fixed car. The shop is pleased to have lots of our money in return.

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