Friday, August 6, 2010

"Girls Only Want Boyfriends Who Have Great Skills"

Xander and I have a sort of ritual when I read aloud to him. Every time I get to the end of a chapter, I say, "End of the chapter." Every single time, in exactly the same way, Xander says, "What chapter will be next?" Then I read the number and title of the next chapter.

Today I let Xander try to cut all by himself in his cutting book while I was on the phone with Johanna. I came back to find that he can do every step of each cutting exercise with no help whatsoever. It's encouraging, because he hasn't had much practice with that until lately.

It is much too early to analyze our kids for their talents, but we are very tempted to do it anyway: Xander is our scientific and academic one, full of curiosity, intelligence, and imagination. He has great visual-spatial skills. I am even more impressed by them because 1) I don't have them and 2) I teach him a lot of academic and literary skills with not very much time spent on anything else. He can look at visual instructions and follow them without anyone saying a thing - I've seen this with different sets of blocks and the cutting book.

Nick seems to be athletic and verbal, although for him it is MUCH, MUCH too early to jump to conclusions. He loves being outside and often asks to go out. He loves throwing and kicking balls. He imitates people and sounds very accurately and speaks and signs much more easily than Xander did.

Other than those things, they are so very similar! They like to do the same things, have the same sense of humor, and they have physically developed in a similar way.

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